“We’re very thankful to the
public for their generous support of the program,” says Ginny Seamster, Share
with Wildlife program manager for the New Mexico Department of Game and Fish.
“Without them it wouldn’t exist.”
The public contributed over
$90,000 to the program last year through tax refund contributions, specialty
license plate purchases and donations to the department.
Donations qualify the
department to receive matching funds from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service,
which brought in another $82,000 last year.
The program funded a total of
$165,000 worth of projects this year including much needed financial support for wildlife
rehabilitation centers, including the non-profit New Mexico Wildlife Center in EspaƱola, where sick and injured animals receive
veterinary care, treatment and rehabilitation before being released back into
the wild.
The program also funds
research, including a study of the success of the North American river otter
reintroduction effort that was conducted 2008-2010, and evaluation of the
current size and health of the river otter population in New Mexico .
Another 2018 project involves
assessing the reproductive success and survival rates of a turtle species
currently under review for potential listing as a threatened or endangered
species. Also funded this year is a project to study habitat associations and
distribution of a species of chipmunk found only in mountain ranges in
southeastern New
Mexico .
Another research project
involves the study of white-nose syndrome, a devastating fungal disease wiping
out many bat colonies in the eastern United States .
The fungus that causes
white-nose syndrome has been detected in Texas and this project will help determine whether the
fungus is now present in some of the most heavily visited caves and mines in New Mexico that also are roost and or hibernation sites for
bats. This is an important precursor to being able to take more proactive steps
to protect our state’s bat populations from white-nose syndrome, Seamster says.
“People who contribute to the
Share with Wildlife program make all these wildlife projects possible,” she

Biologists from other
agencies and organizations volunteer to review and select applications for each
years’ projects and all donations to the program are earmarked for projects,
not administrative costs, she says.
To see a complete list of
funded projects, updates and program highlights please visit the department’s
website at
The program received the
majority of its donations last year from its share from the sales of popular
wildlife license plates by the state Motor Vehicle Division. The license plates
feature either a graceful Gambel’s quail, an impressive buck mule deer or a
colorful Rio Grande cutthroat trout. The plates can be ordered by mail or
purchased directly at an MVD office.
The Share with
Wildlife program was started in1981 to help those wildlife species that do
not receive funding from any other source.
In the past decade more than
$1.5 million has gone to research, habitat enhancement, education and
rehabilitation projects that benefit nongame species in need of conservation.
To contribute to this
important program please visit the department website at
www.wildlife.state.nm.us/share for more information or contact Seamster at
(505) 476-8111 or virginia.seamster@state.nm.us.
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